Nerd or Die

A shop with premade graphics, overlays and other assets.
Design Overlays Alerts Emotes Panels


Nerd or Die is a company that specializes in creating graphic overlays, alerts, and other design assets for streamers and content creators on platforms likeTwitch, Kick,YouTubeand Facebook Gaming. They offer a variety of customizable design elements, such as stream overlays, webcam overlays, stream screens, and animated alerts. Nerd or Die's products are created to assist content creators in achieving a distinctive and professional visual style for their channels. They frequently provide these designs in packages or bundles, simplifying the process of maintaining a consistent and visually appealing theme during their broadcasts.

Key Features
  • Overlay Customization
  • Scene Editor
  • Panels Customization
  • Media Looper

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Nerd or Die Reviews 3

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  • Gin
    Sep 13, 2021 β€’ Reviewed on Twitter
    Recently upgraded my twitch profile with amazing look including full package. Thanks to the #nerdordie great arrangement. I warmly recommend to check and get something that fits you πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  • Tril
    Mar 8, 2018 β€’ Reviewed on Twitter
    For any new streamers wanting to get familiar with intro scenes/intermission scene I really recommend checking out #nerdordie they have really good FREE resources that make your stream look you been doing this for a while! #twitch #streamer

  • Regg πŸ’―
    Feb 22, 2021 β€’ Reviewed on Twitter
    Not sponsored... BUT NerdOrDie does have amazing packages with alerts and widgets as well as a how-to for displaying them on your stream that will help get your stream up and running. Super easy, convenient, and affordable. Do recommend.

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