
Cross-platform chat bot & viewer engagement tool suite
💎 Automation 🍿 Engagement Chatbot Chat Moderation Chat Engagement Chatbot


 Botisimo is a cross-platform chat bot and engagement tool designed to help streamers and content creators manage their live streams, interact with their audience, and grow their online presence. Botisimo supports integration with popular streaming platforms such as     Twitch    ,     YouTube    , Discord, and more, enabling streamers to manage chats and interactions across multiple channels from a single dashboard. 

 The tool provides robust chat moderation capabilities, helping to filter out spam and manage inappropriate content. Botisimo enhances viewer interaction with features like polls, giveaways, and loyalty points systems, encouraging active participation and building a stronger sense of community. The platform offers insightful analytics and performance reports, allowing content creators to track audience engagement, stream duration, and more across all platforms.

 The Botisimo Sponsorship Program provides streamers with an opportunity to easily partner with brands for sponsorship. Botisimo also offers customizable stream overlays and alerts. With Botisimo streamers can automatically post every time they go live to Discord and Twitter. 

 Botisimo offers a free Basic Plan and Pro Plan for $10 per month.


Key Features
  • Chat Moderation
  • Giveaways
  • Loyalty System
  • Spam Filter
  • Donations Page
  • Stream Reports
  • Paid Sponsorships
  • Overlay Customization
  • Chatbot
  • Alerts Customization
  • Analytics
  • Song Request
  • Timers

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