What is MonkaS? What is Sadge? What is Kappa? If you're new to Twitch, you might feel a bit lost with all the emotes flying around in chat. Emotes are a huge part of Twitch culture. They're not just fun pictures; they're a way for viewers and streamers to communicate. You'll see them used all the time, even when other streamers are just chatting with their audience. It can be hard to keep up, but don't worry! This guide covers the top emotes you need to know on Twitch and BetterTTV (BTTV), helping you fit right in.
To learn more about BetterTTV, check out How to Use BetterTTV Emotes on Twitch and YouTube and The Best Custom Twitch Emotes Extensions: BetterTTV and Its Alternatives, FrankerFaceZ and 7TV articles or watch this video ⬇️
What does Kappa mean (Twitch)

Meaning and Usage: Kappa is all about sarcasm. If someone's joking or not being serious, they'll drop a Kappa.
Origin: It's the face of Josh DeSeno, an old Justin.tv employee.
When It's Used: If a streamer messes up and someone comments, "Great job Kappa," they're being sarcastic.
What does PogChamp mean (Twitch)

Meaning and Usage: This one's for excitement or amazement, perfect for awesome moments in games.
Origin: It features Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez, looking super hyped.
When It's Used: "Did you see that? PogChamp!" when a streamer pulls off something cool.
What does LUL mean (BTTV)

Meaning and Usage: Think of LUL as a big laugh, like typing "LOL."
Origin: It's based on TotalBiscuit, a.k.a John Bain.
When It's Used: The chat spams "LUL" when something hilarious happens.
What does Sadge mean (BTTV)

Meaning and Usage: Sadge is all about feeling sad or disappointed.
Origin: It's another twist on the Pepe the Frog meme.
When It's Used: "He lost the game, Sadge," when things don't go the streamer's way.
What does TriHard mean (Twitch)

Meaning and Usage: Use TriHard when someone's really giving it their all.
Origin: It's the face of streamer TriHex.
When It's Used: "He's really going for it, TriHard," during intense moments.
What does MonkaS mean (BTTV)

Meaning and Usage: This one's for when things get tense or scary.
Origin: Yet another Pepe the Frog variation.
When It's Used: "This game is getting creepy, MonkaS," in a suspenseful moment.
What does MonkaW mean (BTTV)

Meaning and Usage: Similar to MonkaS but for extreme worry or fear.
Origin: It's a close-up, more intense version of MonkaS.
When It's Used: "That was too close, MonkaW," during nerve-wracking situations.
What does KEKW mean (BTTV)

Meaning and Usage: KEKW is for those big laugh-out-loud moments.
Origin: It comes from a video of Spanish comedian El Risitas.
When It's Used: Chat explodes with "KEKW" during really funny parts of the stream.
What does ResidentSleeper mean (Twitch)

Meaning and Usage: Use this when you're bored or something's really dragging.
Origin: It's streamer Oddler, who fell asleep during a long stream.
When It's Used: "This part is kinda ResidentSleeper," when the action slows down.
What does FrankerZ mean (Twitch)

Meaning and Usage: FrankerZ is great for anything dog-related or just for fun.
Origin: The emote is a dog named FrankerZ.
When It's Used: "Dogs on stream, FrankerZ," or during playful moments.
I hope this helps you better understand what's happening in Twitch chat. If you want to expand the number of Twitch emotes available to you, consider BetterTTV alternatives such as FrankerFaceZ and 7TV.