With its unique blend of gaming, streaming, and interactive experiences, the Twitch community has developed a rich language that’s as dynamic as its content. From “AFK” to “Whisper,” understanding these terms is key to navigating the platform, whether you’re broadcasting or just enjoying the streams. Let’s explore the list of most common Twitch slang and terms to help you become an integral part of this vibrant community.
Twitch Slang and Common Terms meaning:
- AFK (Away From Keyboard): This shows that the user is not at their computer or taking a break from streaming or chatting. In a streaming context, it can also refer to moments when there is little to no activity happening on the stream, making it less engaging for viewers.
- Affiliate: A status for Twitch streamers who meet certain criteria, allowing them to earn revenue from their channel through subscriptions, ads, and bits.
- Ban: permanently or temporarily blocking users from chatting for violating the rules of the stream.
- Bits: A virtual currency that viewers can purchase from Twitch to cheer on their favorite streamers as a form of support.

- Botting: Using automated bots in Twitch chats, often for malicious purposes, such as spamming or inflating, viewer counts.
- Clip: A short video segment cut from a stream, often highlighting an important moment. You can download any clip with our Twitch Clip Downloader.
- Dono (Donation): A direct monetary contribution from a viewer to a streamer.
- Drama: Refers to controversial or gossip-worthy events and disputes within the Twitch community.
- Emote: Custom images or animations that viewers can use in chat, often channel-specific or unlocked through subscriptions.
- F: A term used in chat to pay respect or show sympathy, originally from the “Press F to pay respects” meme.

- Follower: Someone who has subscribed to a streamer’s channel to stay updated on their broadcasts.
- GG (Good Game): A sign of sportsmanship, typically used at the end of a game.
- Hype Train: A community-driven event where viewers can support a streamer through subscriptions, gifts, or bits, usually unlocking exclusive emotes.

- IRL (In Real Life): Content or discussions related to real-life events, as opposed to gaming or virtual experiences.
- Kappa: Used to show sarcasm or irony in chat messages.

- Lurk: When viewers are watching a stream but not actively taking part in the chat.
- Mald: Used humorously to describe a streamer or player getting excessively angry or frustrated.
- Meta: Refers to the trend or most effective strategy in a particular game or within the Twitch community.
- Overlay: The graphical layout or design that appears on top of a streamer’s broadcast.
- Partner: A prestigious level for Twitch streamers who meet higher criteria than Affiliates, offering more benefits and opportunities.
- PogChamp: Used to express excitement or amazement, often in response to an impressive moment in a stream.

- Raid: When a streamer ends their broadcast, they can choose to “raid” another channel, directing their viewers to another stream.
- Sub (Subscription): A monthly payment made by viewers to support a particular streamer, often granting access to exclusive emotes and other perks.
- Subathon: An extended live stream event where the duration of the stream is increased based on the number of subscriptions, bits, or donations received.
- Twitch Prime (Prime): A service linked with Amazon Prime, offering various benefits to Twitch users like free channel subscriptions and exclusive in-game content.
- VOD (Video on Demand): Recordings of past live streams that are available to watch on a streamer’s channel.
- Whisper: A private message sent directly to another user on Twitch, not visible to the rest of the chat.
Understanding Twitch’s unique lexicon is essential for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the platform’s culture fully. Whether you’re engaging in chat, supporting your favorite streamers, or broadcasting your own content, these terms will help you navigate the world of Twitch with confidence and ease. Additionally, for a more complete understanding of Twitch communication, be sure to check out the list of Top 10 Twitch and BTTV Emotes and what they mean.